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Your Wishes are Alive. How to manifest them quicker?

Writer: Maria ZhuravlevaMaria Zhuravleva

The subject of making wishes come true attracts a lot of people. We are beginning to understand the world of manifestation and use techniques to create our reality.

Indeed, this process is charming. The profound nature of manifesting our dreams comes from the fact that it never stops – it is an exploration of a lifetime. How exciting!

Aladdin lamp

Think of your wishes for a moment. What are they like? What energy do they give to you? Which ones are your favourites? The truth is that when you only think of you wishes, you begin to stir the pot of your manifestation realm and you activate strong energy.

You can imagine that your wishes are actually alive. That they are not just a concept or a thought somewhere deep in your mind. It is a very real, very alive energy which already exists in the Universal space. And this energy can be talked to and asked things.

Your wish is real. It is vibrating. It is like a child that you gave birth to and it is waiting for your further instructions.

make a wish

So what can be done to work with your dreams?

1.    Communicate with your wish

This is a powerful practice that can take your manifestation work to another level. You need to imagine that your wish is like your good friend and you can talk to it. Feel the energy of your wish, visualise what it looks like. Allow it to sit next to you and have a cup of tea together. Feel your wish as being very real and ask it what guidance it can give to you now.

2.    Draw your wish

draw a wish

A very important process which helps to move the energy of your body and mind into the paper and then into the Universe. When you draw, you liberate yourself from an energetic build up inside of you. You also begin to see a very clear picture of how your energy depicts itself visually. I would recommend focusing on your wish and then drawing a spontaneous picture of it without thinking, just following your intuition. The outcome will surprise you and you will have a beautiful connection with your special wish as a result.

3.    Write it on the paper

A number one way to solidify the energy of your wishes into your physical reality. You just have to write it! There are many different ways how you can do it, no right or wrong here. It just has to resonate with you and make you happy. My favourite way is to write 5-7 wishes on small pieces of paper and then put them in some valuable places, like your bag, your drawer, the inside of your wardrobe. You also have to regularly play with them and charge them with your energy. This way your papers will stay activated and will manifest the energy of your wish into your reality quicker. It is important to be playful and believe that it is happening now!

4.    Place your wishes on your body

Our body is a magical temple and we know it already. It listens to our thoughts and wishes and responds to all that is happening inside of us. We can certainly give our body orders and it will fulfil them. Why not use this power for our wishes too? I can recommend an interesting practice of placing pieces of paper with your wishes onto your body and charging it with this energy. Imagine that it is a shower of wishes. Sit or lay down and cover your body with papers with your magical wishes. It would be better if they are all freshly written, as the energy will be stronger and will go inside of your body in an easier way. Feel free to stay in this shower for a while and enjoy uniting with the vibration of your wish. It is a truly powerful practice.

5.    Dancing with your wishes

This is another one of my favourites. As your wishes are completely alive (and you want this energy alive!), you can do whatever you like with them, including dancing. Dance is a great way to liberate your body and mind, it is also a powerful manifestation technique. You can begin to feel your wish for some time first. For example, let’s say that you are dreaming of a new house. Imagine yourself there, with all the details and colours and feelings that you are going to have there. Then play your favourite song and start the dance with your wish! Imagine that it is all already happening now and rejoice in the energy of your new house, while dancing. This will align you with the vibration of your wish very quickly. It is fun too. 😊 

make a wish

There are so many things that you can do with your wishes. Your imagination is your guide. I recommend to try these practices to speed up the process and also to deepen your connection with your dreams. You will feel a shift immediately and it will also give you a fresh perspective on your manifestation techniques.

Your wishes are ready to come true. They are here, just next to you, smiling and giving you a hug. Are you ready to embrace them? Tell me how wonderful they are!

With much love and magical wishes,

Maria Zhuravleva

seven wonders of the self



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