You can book the walk for yourself or for a group of people.
The walk normally takes about 90 minutes and takes place in Central London.
The walk is available weekdays and some weekends.
Wear something comfortable and appropriate for the weather.
For group prices please contact mail@mariasuniverse.com

Talking to a Tree with your Hands - Maria Zhuravleva
Duration: 90 minutes
Availability: weekdays and some weekends
Cost: £80
Location: Kensington, London
Trees are our beautiful companions who came to this world to give us joy, oxygen and the spectacular colour of green.
Each tree has its own personality just like people do and it is possible to learn to communicate with the tree through hands, eyes and the heart.
Some trees are calm and solemn, they have a powerful effect on us, some are jolly and youthful, they remind us how to play. When we talk to the trees, we get connected to our inner freedom and tranquil space inside.
Trees are free to touch, a joy to embrace and a love to receive!
Nature Walks: The Power of the Trees
Let us join together for a walk to enjoy the power of the trees! I will show you how to listen to the tree, how to connect to it with your hands, how to understand different messages of the trees and plants, how to connect to Earth energy from the ground.
Learn how to communicate with trees and plants
Receive relaxation and peace
Clean your energy and learn how to replenish natually
Find how to listen to the messages that nature gives us
Give healing to your body and emotions
We shall talk to the trees and nature, create energy shapes in the air and share them with each other, become free and playful like children again. The trees are calling us to go back to our natural selves and look deep within for answers: they are all there!
For the walk you will not need any experience, you just bring your open heart and your kindness and we shall learn how to connect through energy and enrich your being with the healing power of nature. We will connect with the Sun, with the Earth, with the stones and with the energy around us.
Trees are truly healing beings as they can clear our energy, help us let go of the restless thoughts and connect to the now, they share their stories of wisdom with us and set us free. It is beautiful that we are together on this planet now.

Individual sessions are booked in advance via email or telephone.
Sessions are taken place in Central London in Kensington.
You are welcome to send your questions via email prior to booking a session or you can book directly through the payment process below by clicking Buy Now .
Availability: weekdays and some weekends
Location: Kensington, London

QHHT (QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE) is achieved through visual imagery in the state of a very deep relaxation of the individual. The session includes two main components: a Past-Life Regression and communication with the Subconscious (the Higher Self).
This session includes Energy Healing and Reading at the same time. During the session you will be receiving healing energy through the hands and the channeled messages by Maria. Our energy contains important information about our being, our vibrational essence, our life purpose and more. This session typically allows high-vibrational energy to pass through the hands and the messages. You will get the recording of the session afterwards.
Energy Hand Reading is a soothing experience which enriches you with healing energy and gives you an insight into your path. During the reading, we connect to your hands both visually and energetically and receive helpful messages for your life.