Duration: 90 minutes
Availability: weekdays and some weekends
Cost: £160
Session type: in person or Zoom
Location: Kensington, London
Colour Healing is a session where you are taken on a deep relaxing journey of seeing and feeling the colours with the purpose of healing and connecting to your inner guidance.
Including elements of hypnotherapy, Colour Healing will help you to gently enter the state of deep inner connection and receive powerful healing energy from the world of the colours. You will be guided through the journey by the voice and you will experience a peaceful, revitalising and transformative sensation.
This session aims at easily connecting you to your intuition, as the colours are simple to imagine and work with. Maria will use her own intuition while taking you on a a journey and will base the script depending on the character of your energy.
Colour Healing is designed for those who want to connect to their visual and intuitive powers and do it in a relaxing and encouraging way. We will work through different parts of your body and invigorate them with the power of light, as well as addressing important situations in your life.
What do Colours do?
Colours are incredible energies that are here to help us connect and heal. Each colour is like a friend, a special frequency, which is capable of performing energy release, energy recovery, transformation, new energy creation and energy movement.
During the session we will intuitively find out which colours are the most suitable for you and which ones are there to give you healing. You will likely experience more connection to your inner voice after this session.
What are the benefits of the session?
- Powerful relaxation and letting go of tension and stress
- Assisting in balancing your physical and emotional body
- Aligning energy centres and calming down your mind
- Opening your own healing powers and bring clarity to your life
- Increasing your intuitive connection
How is this session different from others?
Colour Healing is designed to be an easy way to enter the realm of your inner self and be able to receive healing and connection. It will be intuitively tailored to you and we will be creating the journey for you as we go, depending on your own energy, as opposed to one script for all.
If you are getting ready for a QHHT session and would like to improve your inner connection and visualisation gifts, this is a perfect session for you.
The session will be audio recorded and sent to you, so you can listen to it afterwards and receive more benefit from it.
There are no specific preparations for the session, just be open to whatever comes to you, the more you describe your sensations and visions during the session, the more interesting the information will reveal itself to you. ​
The session can be booked via email or telephone.
Colour Healing sessions can be done in person or over Zoom.
You can book directly through the payment process below by clicking Buy Now and email Maria to agree on a date and time.
Availability: weekdays and some weekends
Location: Kensington, London

Maria Zhuravleva is a Reiki Master and a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. Maria has been working with healing energy for over 12 years and has developed her own technique Energy Creation. This intuitive technique allows to use your hands to create powerful uplifting energy and transform yourself and your reality in a beautiful way.
Maria is an author of "Seven Wonders of the Self", an inspiring practical book for those who wish to connect to their healing powers. You can also explore several online courses if you want to learn Energy Healing in the own comfort of your own home.

QHHT (QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE) is achieved through visual imagery in the state of a very deep relaxation of the individual. The session includes two main components: a Past-Life Regression and communication with the Subconscious (the Higher Self).
This session includes Energy Healing and Reading at the same time. During the session you will be receiving healing energy through the hands and the channeled messages, while the healing is being performed. We will focus on various energy centres and see what messages they carry for you.
In this session you relax and receive healing energy through the hands, which are gently connecting to the most important aspects of your body. Similar to Reiki, but even more intuitive and powerful, this session includes Energy Creation Healing Motions, cleaning and purifying the energy, recharging your centres, allowing the energy to blossom and flow freely.